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Otis AI Campaign Masterclass
Otis AI Campaign Masterclass

This is a comprehensive guide to booking qualified meetings for Otis AI

Ritvij Gautam avatar
Written by Ritvij Gautam
Updated over a week ago

1. Understanding the Product

A. Simplified Product Understanding

  • Think of OTIS AI as a personal marketing assistant, one that's super-powered with AI.

    It helps you run ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and all other social media platforms, but unlike you, it can analyze tons of data about your customers and potential customers to figure out the best way to target them. This means your ads are shown to the right people, with the right message, at the right time, in the right place. OTIS AI can automatically adjust your budget and optimize your campaigns based on how well they're doing, so you get the most bang for your buck. It's like having a marketing expert working for you 24/7, even if you don't have a big budget or a lot of marketing experience.

B. Product Features for ICP

  • Businesses and startups who use OTIS AI average a 7x return on ad spend (ROAS)- Dynamic Budgets/Allocation Strategies: Manually allocating budgets is risky. Otis AI takes the guesswork out with AI driven strategies. It automatically adjusts ad budgets across channels and segments based on real time performance data, ensuring that ad spend is optimized for maximum return. Every dollar works harder, delivering on average up to 7x return on advertising spend.

  • First-Party Data Integration: Leverages data from platforms like Square, Shopify, and Mailchimp. Creates highly targeted and personalized ad campaigns tailored to specific audience segments.

  • Real-Time Engagement Scores: Provides instant feedback on ad performance and audience engagementEnables data-driven decisions and allows for timely adjustments and optimizations for better ROI.

  • Unified Dashboard Experience: Offers a centralized platform for monitoring and managing ads across multiple platformsSaves time and effort by streamlining campaign management and analysis.

  • Advanced Audience Targeting Options: Enables defining custom audience segments based on demographics, interests, and purchasing behaviorFacilitates highly targeted and relevant ad campaigns, increasing the likelihood of reaching and converting the right audience.

  • AI-Driven Creative Optimization and Lookalike Audience Identification: Utilizes machine learning to tailor ad content and messaging, and identify similar user groupsMaximizes ad effectiveness and ROI by creating compelling content, targeting relevant audiences, and identifying potential new customers.

  • Multi-Channel Deployment: Allows launching campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, Google, TikTok, and othersProvides more opportunities to reach potential customers on various platforms.

  • AI-Powered Insights and Predictive Scores: Analyzes data to identify trends and predict content performanceCreates data-driven strategies and optimizes campaigns for better results.

C. Value Proposition Pitch

  • Otis AI empowers small businesses to compete effectively in the digital marketing landscape. Traditionally hampered by limited resources, small businesses can now leverage the power of AI and first-party data to reach ideal customers, maximize return on investment, and simplify campaign management. Endorsed by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) as a recommended marketing solution for small businesses, Otis AI delivers demonstrably positive outcomes, with users experiencing an average 7x return on ad spend, 10-40x ROI, all while reclaiming 80% of their time previously lost to complex marketing tasks.This data-driven approach levels the playing field, enabling small businesses to compete directly with larger competitors. Through hyper-targeting, dynamic optimization, and centralized campaign management, Otis AI equips businesses with the tools and insights needed to achieve sustainable growth and unlock their true digital potential.m

D. Handling Common Objections

  • We are B2B and don't advertise: I understand how you feel about having an in-house team managing your budget across platforms. Many of our clients initially felt the same way. However, what they found after implementing our AI solution is that it complements their team's efforts by continuously optimizing the budget and ads 24/7. This ensures that the right ads are consistently reaching the right audience on the most effective platforms. By leveraging AI, our clients have discovered that they can achieve better results with less time and effort, typically saving up to 80% of the time they previously spent on managing their advertising efforts. This allows them to reallocate resources to other important areas of their business while still achieving their marketing goals effectively.

    • Response: I understand where you're coming from as a B2B company that hasn't traditionally advertised. Many of our clients initially felt the same way. However, what they found after utilizing OTIS AI is that it offers a unique opportunity to expand their reach and connect with potential clients they may not have reached otherwise. One of the standout features of OTIS AI is its ability to identify lookalike audiences, leveraging advanced data analysis to pinpoint individuals or businesses with similar characteristics to your existing customer base. This means that even as a B2B company, you can tap into new markets and engage with prospects who are highly likely to be interested in your products or services. Through this approach, our clients have been able to unlock new opportunities for growth and achieve their business objectives more effectively.

    • For reference: Below blog from OTIS AI on B2B and look-a-like audience segments, a very precise form of targeting that is essential for B2B marketers.

  • We have a team of in-house people who manage our budget (OR I manage the budget myself) across the platforms.

    • Response: I understand how you feel about having an in-house team managing your budget across platforms. Many of our clients initially felt the same way. However, what they found after implementing our AI solution is that it complements their team's efforts by continuously optimizing the budget and ads 24/7. This ensures that the right ads are consistently reaching the right audience on the most effective platforms. By leveraging AI, our clients have discovered that they can achieve better results with less time and effort, typically saving up to 80% of the time they previously spent on managing their advertising efforts. This allows them to reallocate resources to other important areas of their business while still achieving their marketing goals effectively.

    I can get more leads on my own

    • Response: I completely understand your perspective on generating leads independently. Many businesses initially feel confident in their ability to manage lead generation internally. However, what our clients have discovered is that our AI algorithm offers a level of sophistication and precision that is difficult to replicate with traditional methods. By leveraging first-party data, our algorithm creates re-targeting and look-alike audiences tailored to your specific business objectives. This approach goes beyond conventional lead generation tactics, allowing you to reach prospects who exhibit similar behaviors and characteristics to your existing customer base. While it's commendable to handle lead generation in-house, our clients have found that integrating OTIS AI into their strategy enhances their efforts and drives superior results.

    Not interested/all set

    • Response: Completely understand, recognize I’m calling you out of the blue. Is this just a matter of bad timing? —> If so, enter a call back!

2. Understanding the ICP

A. ICP's Frame of Mind

Small Business Owners:

Understanding the challenges small business owners face in digital advertising can be crucial for offering tailored solutions. Here are some common struggles:

  • Budget Constraints: Many small business owners find it challenging to allocate sufficient funds for digital advertising, often competing with larger companies with bigger budgets.

  • Limited Time and Resources: SMB owners often wear multiple hats, making it difficult to dedicate enough time and resources to plan, execute, and optimize digital advertising campaigns effectively.

  • Lack of Expertise: Digital advertising platforms evolve rapidly, and staying updated with the latest trends, tools, and strategies can be daunting for SMB owners who may not have a background in marketing or advertising.

  • Targeting the Right Audience: Identifying and reaching the right audience segment can be tricky for SMBs, leading to ineffective campaigns and wasted ad spend.

  • Measuring ROI: SMBs often struggle to measure the return on investment (ROI) of their digital advertising efforts accurately, making it challenging to assess the effectiveness of their campaigns and justify future investments.

By addressing these common pain points and offering solutions tailored to each business's unique needs, digital advertising providers like OTIS AI help SMB owners navigate the complexities of online marketing more effectively.

CMOs or digital advertising managers

  • CMO’s or digital advertising managers hired at SMBs or startups may face similar challenges as business owners when it comes to digital advertising. Here are some additional struggles they might encounter:

    • Limited Budget Allocation: Even with a designated marketing budget, CMOs or digital advertising managers may find themselves working with limited funds, requiring them to prioritize campaigns and strategies carefully to maximize ROI.

    • Resource Constraints: SMBs and startups may not have dedicated marketing teams or sufficient resources to support comprehensive digital advertising initiatives, placing added pressure on CMOs or digital advertising managers to handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously.

    • Rapidly Changing Landscape: CMOs and digital advertising managers must stay updated with the latest trends, algorithms, and platform changes in the dynamic digital advertising landscape, ensuring that their strategies remain effective and competitive.

    • Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals: While focusing on immediate results is important, CMOs and digital advertising managers must also consider the long-term impact of their campaigns on brand awareness, customer loyalty, and overall business growth.

    • Demonstrating ROI: Justifying marketing expenditures and demonstrating the ROI of digital advertising efforts to company stakeholders can be challenging, requiring CMOs and digital advertising managers to implement robust tracking and reporting mechanisms.

By understanding and addressing these challenges, digital advertising providers like OTIS AI offer valuable support and solutions tailored to the needs of CMOs, digital advertising managers, and the businesses they serve.

Small to medium-sized advertising agencies

  • These agencies encounter several distinct challenges in the digital advertising landscape. Here are some key considerations:

    • Limited Resources: Smaller agencies often have fewer financial resources, manpower, and technology compared to larger firms. As a result, they must find efficient ways to deliver high-quality digital advertising services within budget constraints.

    • Client Acquisition and Retention: Small to medium-sized agencies must continuously seek new clients while retaining existing ones to sustain their business. Building strong client relationships, delivering exceptional results, and providing personalized service are crucial for client acquisition and retention.

    • Competition from Larger Agencies: These agencies face stiff competition from larger firms with more extensive resources and established reputations. To compete effectively, smaller agencies must differentiate themselves by offering niche services, specialized expertise, or unique value propositions tailored to SMBs and startups.

    • Keeping Up with Industry Trends: The digital advertising landscape evolves rapidly, with new technologies, platforms, and best practices emerging regularly. Small to medium-sized agencies must invest time and effort in staying informed about industry trends and adapting their strategies to remain competitive.

    • Scalability and Growth: Achieving sustainable growth while maintaining quality standards is a significant challenge for small to medium-sized agencies. They must strike a balance between expanding their client base, hiring additional staff, and investing in infrastructure while ensuring continued profitability.

By addressing these challenges and leveraging innovative solutions like OTIS AI, small to medium-sized agencies can enhance their competitiveness, deliver superior value to clients, and drive growth in the dynamic digital advertising ecosystem.

B. Qualifying the ICP

  • Criteria for qualifying the ICP for a meeting:

    • Prospect has a valid website.

      • This can EASILY be checked while on the call. Tip: throw the business name into google search or check the email URL while on call.

      • Confirm the website with the prospect.

    • Prospect has a way to track performance, such as a landing page, shopping cart, POS, CRM, etc.

      • (SET MEETING AND QUALIFY): "Perfect, thank you. So we'll discuss (your specific challenges & how OTIS AI can help)

      • "And just to level set with you and our team beforehand, how do you track your advertising returns today?( Landing page/shopping cart/POS/CRM?) Great."

    • Company has a budget of $2500-30k/month in ad spend and are willing to start with that amount.*

      • "Most of the clients that we work with have an advertising spend of at least $2500- $30,000 per month that they are (already) investing in their social media campaign budgets to move forward with. Do you think you are more on the high end or low end of that framework?

        • SDR NOTE: Reasoning- Otis' Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is finely tuned to companies with a monthly ad spend ranging from approximately $2,500 to $30,000. Clients falling within this bracket align well with Otis' service offerings in terms of experience and expectations. Customers within this monthly spend range tend to have realistic expectations, providing Otis with the appropriate environment to deliver excellent results. Otis excels in serving clients within this budget range, ensuring that their marketing strategies are not just effective but also aligned with their financial expectations.

C. Detecting Interest

  • Active Listening: Pay close attention to the prospect's tone of voice, level of engagement, and the questions they ask. An interested prospect will likely be more attentive and ask relevant questions about OTIS AI's features and benefits.

  • Probe for Pain Points: Ask open-ended questions to uncover the prospect's current challenges or pain points related to digital advertising and marketing. If they express frustrations that align with the solutions offered by OTIS AI, it indicates potential interest.

  • Qualify Interest Level: Throughout the conversation, subtly inquire about the prospect's level of interest in learning more about OTIS AI. For example, you could ask, "Based on what we've discussed, do you see potential value in exploring how OTIS AI could address your advertising needs?"

  • Seek Confirmation: Recap key points of the conversation and ask the prospect if they agree or if they see the potential benefits of using OTIS AI. Their response will provide insight into their level of interest and receptiveness to the solution.

  • Note Verbal Cues: Listen for specific phrases or keywords that indicate interest, such as "That sounds intriguing," "I could see how that would be valuable," or "Tell me more about how OTIS AI works."

  • Ask for Next Steps: Proposing a time to meet and asking for the demo. Interested prospects will likely agree or express willingness to explore further.

D. Value for Qualified Meeting (QM)

  • Small Business Owner Handling Their Own Advertising (ICP):

  • Value/Incentive:

    • Time-saving Solution: STREAMLINES their digital advertising efforts, allowing them to focus on other aspects of running their business.

    • Cost-effective Solution: An AFFORDABLE HIGH TECH SOLUTION helps them maximize their advertising budget and achieve better ROI.

    • Leverage Best-in-Class ML/AI Tech: NAVIGATE the complexities of digital advertising and make informed decisions, not just for enterprises.

    • Competitive Advantage: GAIN a COMPETITIVE EDGE in the market, allowing them to outperform competitors and achieve their business goals.

    • Data driven Solution: ACCESS to advanced analytics, reporting and data visualization tools that offer actionable insights for optimizing campaigns and improving performance.

  • CMO or Digital Advertising Manager at an SMB or Startup (ICP):

    • Value/Incentive:

      • Scalable Solutions: FLEXIBLE solution that can scale with their business growth, accommodating changing advertising needs and objectives.

      • Data-driven Insights: ACCESS to advanced analytics, reporting, and data visualization tools that offer actionable insights for optimizing campaigns and improving performance.

      • Competitive Advantage: Gain a COMPETITIVE EDGE in the market, allowing them to outperform competitors and achieve their business goals.

  • Advertising Agency Executive at a Small or Medium-sized Agency (ICP):

    • Value/Incentive:

      • Enhanced Efficiency: Showcase how OTIS AI can streamline their agency's workflow, automate repetitive tasks, and improve operational efficiency, enabling them to deliver better results for their clients in less time.

      • Client Retention Tools: Highlight features that help agencies demonstrate value to their clients, such as detailed reporting, performance tracking, and transparent communication, to foster long-term client relationships and retention.

      • Differentiation Opportunities: Position OTIS AI as a unique selling point that sets their agency apart from competitors, allowing them to offer innovative solutions and differentiated services to attract and retain clients.

      • Revenue Growth Potential: Emphasize the revenue-generating capabilities of OTIS AI, such as its ability to drive higher ROI for client campaigns, increase billable hours, and attract new clients through referrals and word-of-mouth marketing.

        Glencoco caller Parnell Peace & GrowBiz Solutions (Agency):

E. Ideal Lead Generation

  • Lead Generation Strategy:

  • While on calls for OTIS AI, Pam religiously navigates to the website of the prospect and checks at the bottom of their page for social media links to FB etc. This provides quick insight while on the call whether the prospect is active on these platforms. This same technique is a great way to prospect for active marketers on social media! Scroll through X, FB, IG, TikTok etc., and find those active advertisers.

  • From there, leverage LinkedIn or other business resources (Manta, D&B) to determine their annual revenue. Typically, any company should want to spend 10% of their annual gross revenue on marketing. That marketing could be in the form of flyers or FB ads, but for ecommerce- OTIS AI wagers that small to mid sized brands would be all digital. So if their annual gross revenue is $250k - $3M, then this is a decent guideline to pursue the lead.

  • LinkedIn posts are generally "liked" by marketing executives at the company who has posted, if not generated by them. Although this takes an investment of time, determining a named ICP for companies sans any additional tools can often be found this way.

  • Don’t forget events! OTIS AI has produced excellent results for marketers promoting events, and with this in mind, leverage their use cases and prospect with this in mind:

  • BONUS! Glencoco callers can request MOBILE enriched phone numbers for their prospected leads. Once you’ve developed a list of named ICP’s at prospect companies, you'll want to create a CSV with the lead data. Even if you don’t have a phone number, you can submit this CSV with (blank data in phone number fields) and then Glencoco will return to you with a completed/enriched CSV list complete with mobile enriched phone numbers included! Here is how to import bulk leads and your request to Glencoco:

  • Additionally leverage “free trials” with lead providers ie. Lusha, Seamless, Kaspr, SalesIntel, etc.

3. Operational Processes

A. Best Times to Call

  • SMB Business Owners:

    • Best Times: Early mornings before 9:00 AM or late afternoons after 4:00 PM when they may have fewer meetings or administrative tasks

    • Best Days: Mid-week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays when they are likely to be more settled into their work week but not overwhelmed with end-of-week tasks.

  • CMOs and Digital Marketing Executives at SMBs

    • Best Times: Late mornings between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM or early afternoons from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM when they have likely completed initial meetings and are preparing for the rest of the day.

    • Best Days: Mondays or Tuesdays to catch them at the start of the week when they are planning and strategizing for upcoming campaigns, or Thursdays and Fridays when they may have more time for exploratory discussions.

  • Small-Medium Size Advertising Agencies:

    • Best Times: Mid-morning around 10:00 AM or mid-afternoon around 2:00 PM when they may have completed initial client meetings and have some downtime for internal tasks.

    • Best Days: Mondays or Fridays when they may have more flexible schedules for internal meetings and planning, or mid-week on Wednesdays when they are likely to have a balance of client work and internal tasks.

B. Setting Follow-Ups

  • Tips for Follow-Ups:

  • Don’t forget your back log! Once a request for more information is sent through the Glencoco CRM, your lead will populate in the BACKLOG. Open up the lead and enter the call back day and time that makes sense to circle back with your prospect for a meeting

  • Manage your Call back pipeline! When a prospect says “call me in 10” write it down and make it happen. If “call me in 10” becomes “call me at 9 tomorrow” write it down and make it happen. Many executives receive promises from cold callers that they will call back and… it’s crickets. Take advantage of the time to do some research on your prospect so that not only you are doing what you said you would (calling back when they asked) you demonstrate due diligence and respect for their time.

C. Call Frequency and Volume

  • Based on a (2) week historic look back, a caller on the OTIS AI Campaign can reasonably expect that for every (210) conversations held, a qualified meeting is a statistical probability.

    • With the above metrics in mind, determining the frequency & volume of calls is often based upon an individual caller’s revenue goals and time constraints. Walking back into the math is a straightforward process- simply determine the length of time needed for you (can be highly individualized) to net the total number of discussions that lead to a qualified meeting. If your goal is (2) qualified meetings per week, for example- then aim for ~420 discussions per wk.

    • Keep in mind that call frequency is an important metric. Whenever possible, the ability to call daily and at different times of the day, can provide you with the data you need to determine the best days of the week and times of the day for you to connect with prospects and set qualified meetings. This also provides an opportunity to maximize your outreach, without “burning out” on a campaign.

D. Call Script and Meeting Ask

Pet Wants Franchise & OTIS AI

ICP: Franchise Marketing Director

Hi, good (morning/afternoon) is this (Prospect name?)

Hey, (Prospect Name) this is (SDR) over at OTIS AI, how are you doing today?

Okay awesome awesome really glad to connect with you, but you were not expecting my call.Since I'm calling out of the blue, and know you're probably busy, do you have 25 seconds and I'll let you know why I'm calling, and then I'll pound sand if you want. Is that okay/does that work?

If Owner: Great but first, mind if I ask do you handle your own advertising , like your digital advertising and marketing programs at (X COMPANY?) or do you have someone on your staff that handles this?(If staff, get the appropriate person/contact)(If CMO tk: they are going to have a hand in it)

If Owner “yes”:

Oh wow, so (as an SMB) you truly ARE wearing multiple hats. (Surprised I'm not talking to your VOICE MAIL!)

Well I really appreciate the hot minute here. So again, I'm from OTIS AI, and we've been endorsed by the SBA as an effective digital solution for small business. What we do is serve Small and Medium size Businesses, start ups and even ad agencies with our solution that is leveling the playing field against even the largest enterprise competitors.

OTIS is perfect for lean teams with squeezed time and tight resources- saving owners like yourself 80% of the time you might spend on your digital advertising

(creating/tracking/analyzing etc) AND maximizing high returns on ad spend, on average up to 7x.. sometimes even more. Is that something that piques your interest at all?

Owner “yes”.

Makes sense! Well, I'm not sure if you are running into this now, but a lot of the CEOs that are handling their marketing- or have teams doing so -tell me about challenges relating to the increased complexity of marketing today, despite the availability of tools in the marketplace.

We know that growing followers, increasing leads and sales, and scaling businesses is top of mind- but managing and streamlining the process is often a challenge. Sometimes the challenges are creating compelling ad copy that produces great results, and sometimes what produces great results on one channel doesn't work on another, and determining which channels and audience segments to focus on and when it makes the most sense to focus on them, is a challenge too.

So there's difficulty determining, in real time, things like customer engagement scores from multi channel ad campaigns.

Often we hear about not getting the Return on ad spend owners needed to justify the effort and investment, particularly with pay for performance models.

But what places do you feel like you can’t really manage as efficiently as you like? (ie Time constraints? Budget limitations? )

  • *For marketing agencies: "We often hear that competing against competitor agency behemoths is a pain point, as well as a desire to drive more precise targeting and attribution for clients. Also, automating time consuming tasks such as target audience research, determining performance budget allocation, and streamlining metric measurements are usually top of mind. We often hear that a partnership with OTIS AI would not only be interesting to explore in terms of 7x ROI, but the opportunity to automate these tasks free up valuable hours for content creation and strategy development are usually compelling topics around a potential partnership with us. But what places do you feel like are top of mind?

Let them talk!!: Take Notes

So it's sounds like: (Summarize what they've said.)

That's exactly what we hear from other companies, who we have helped take that pain off the table. Do you have your calendar handy? The next step is meeting with our team, and we'll walk you through exactly how our solution works.

(send me an email)
sure let me get your email address.

Okay great we'll get that out to you. So the way we work this is we'll sync up with you for fifteen minutes and walk you through it. How does your day look tomorrow?

What is exactly you do?

We help businesses like yours STOP wasting time navigating MULTIPLE digital platforms, we connect everything and manage ALL of your digital campaigns, like Google, FB, Instagram, etc... ALL in one place. It’s perfect for lean teams like yours, you don't need the extensive training and learning curves that are typical to get digital advertising done right. WIth OTIS AI, you can do all of this EASILY and we save you 80% of the time you might usually spend on your digital advertising .. AND deliver on average a 7X Return on Ad Spend.

How do you do that?

Great question! In part we do this by leveraging our proprietary system which will adjust your ad spend in real time, adjust it automatically to where your campaign will perform the highest, and generate the highest return on your ad spend. Do you have time (later today or tomorrow for us to walk you through it?) I do have a few spots this week. Are you a morning person?

Tell me more:

For sure can give you a high level here. A core functionality of our solution leverages AI, so we make it affordable for companies like yours to compete with the larger enterprise players in the space. Your AI runs in the background 24/7 to optimize your ads and campaigns, while targeting the right customer at the right time on the right platform, we find “look alikes” to your BEST customers, and that’s defined by you what a BEST customer is, by securely leveraging your 1st party data. Love to walk you through what this looks like in a fifteen minute demo. If you love it, we help you through the simple process to try out our solution; or you can decide to keep it in your back pocket if that's what you'd like. Are you a morning person, or do you prefer an afternoon time?

Still not ready.

Sure, completely understand. So at OTIS AI we go beyond the basics of marketing automation with retargeting, online to offline attribution, creative optimization, and performance optimization for our customers. Our customers can launch campaigns across multiple channels seamlessly, including FB, IG, Google, TikTok, and more. We can link all of your existing data sources whether that's your POS, your ecommerce platforms, or your CRM, etc. and enable extremely precise audience targeting and retargeting strategies. We also help our customers create compelling ad copy easily and quickly, by analyzing past content and providing Ai-based suggestions and predictive scores for content performance. And, one of the coolest things, is, OTIS dynamically adjusts budgets across all of your digital channels and audience segments in real time, to prioritize the MOST effective channels for the BEST returns on your ad spend. With our AI Tech our customers can extract unique insights, predict campaign results and optimize performance better than ever before. It's always a huge help to SEE in a live demo what this looks like. I've got time tomorrow and the next day, what is better for you?

(Set the meeting/ Calendar invite): "Great! I'll send you a calendar invite right now. Could you please accept it to confirm?"

Perfect thank you. So we'll discuss your specific challenges and how Otis AI can help you streamline campaigns, maximize ROI, and save time."

QUALIFY: And just to level set with you and our team beforehand, how do you track your advertising returns today?( Landing page/shopping cart/POS/CRM?)


"Most of the clients that we work with have an advertising spend of at least $2500- $30,000 per month that they are (already) investing in their social media campaign budgets. Do you think you are more on the high end or low end of that framework?

Awesome thank you for that.

I'll also send you a reminder text/email to confirm or remind you prior to the call, when is best for you?

Ok.. sounds great! I'll reach out to you then, please just reply to confirm you're still good. Thanks so much for your time and the conversation, appreciate it.

We'll see you on (DAY/Time)



Imagine: Someone visits your website but doesn't buy anything. With Otis AI, you can automatically show them targeted ads on Facebook, Instagram, or other platforms, reminding them of your brand and enticing them to return and complete their purchase. This can significantly increase conversion rates and customer lifetime value.Otis AI goes beyond the basics: Instead of just showing generic ads, it uses your data to personalize retargeting based on browsing behavior, product interests, and purchase history. This leads to more relevant and engaging ads, improving response rates.

Online to offline attribution:

The struggle: Traditionally, measuring the impact of online ads on offline sales, like in-store purchases, has been difficult. You can't track online clicks to brick-and-mortar visits easily.Otis AI solves this: By integrating with your point-of-sale system or other offline data sources, it tracks customers who made online interactions and later purchased in-store. This gives you a complete picture of your marketing funnel and shows the true value of your online campaigns.

Creative Optimization: Stop guessing! Also, A/B testing ad variations can be time-consuming and complex. Otis AI automates this process by testing different ad copy, images, and formats, analyzing their performance in real-time, and automatically scaling up the most effective ones.

Data-driven decisions: This eliminates the guesswork and ensures you're using the most impactful creatives for your target audience, leading to higher click-through rates and conversions.

Performance Optimization:

Stay ahead of the curve: Algorithms change, audience preferences evolve, and campaign performance fluctuates. Manually adjusting bids, budgets, and targeting is reactive and inefficient. Otis AI uses AI-powered algorithms: These continuously analyze your campaign data and automatically adjust key parameters to ensure optimal performance based on your goals (e.g., maximizing conversions or minimizing cost per acquisition). This saves time and ensures your campaigns consistently deliver the best possible results.

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