Sales Floor FAQ

This article explains what Sales Floors are and FAQs

Glen Coco avatar
Written by Glen Coco
Updated over a week ago

Glencoco Sales Floors are a collaborative forum/space to communicate about the campaign between people approved for a campaign and campaign managers. Approved callers can see announcements and posts made by companies, and companies can visit the floor to review and respond to feedback and questions about the campaign. We created this space to foster easier communication and ongoing education/training, which is a critical piece of successful sales outbounding.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can view and post in the Sales Floor?

  • Callers who are approved to call for the campaign can ask questions here

  • Customers who are managing the campaign can write posts, respond to comments, and include calendar links to office hours or other helpful links and docs

  • Glencoco Admins will occasionally post in the sales floor, provide updates about maintenance, and moderate the Floor

What should I use the Sales Floor for if I’m a campaign manager?

Here are some examples of things companies can use our Sales Floors for:

  • Hosting Office Hours/Enablement Sessions - to do so, just include a calendar scheduling link in your post that people can sign up for

  • Posting recorded examples of good discovery calls - to do so, just include a URL link to a recorded discovery call so that callers can pattern match on examples of great meetings

  • To review qualitative feedback about campaigns from callers - you can browse posts, feedback, and questions made by your callers

  • Answer questions from callers about messaging or targeting - to do so, just reply in the comments to questions posted by callers

  • Posting and pinning helpful content - to do so, just write a post and pin it to the channel so it appears at the top

  • Posting announcements about SPIFFs, bonuses, and incentives - to do so, just write a post explaining your bonus structure

What should I use the Sales Floor for if I’m an approved caller?

Here are some examples of things approved callers can use our Sales Floors for:

  • Staying updated about upcoming Office Hours/Enablement Sessions hosted by companies

  • Review recorded examples of good discovery calls posted by companies

  • Ask questions about messaging or targeting - to do so, just post a question

  • Review and upvote helpful content

  • Stay upated about SPIFFs, bonuses, and incentives posted by companies

What should I not post on the Sales Floor?

You should avoid posting things on the Sales Floor that are either better suited for 1:1 direct communication between an individual caller and a company, or particularly sensitive or proprietary information. Examples of things you might want to avoid posting about are:

  • Individual meeting disputes (best resolved in 1:1 direct messages)

  • Information about specific meetings that you have coming up (best resolved via 1:1 direct messages)

  • Anything that violates the Glencoco Terms and Conditions and community guidelines

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