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All CollectionsF. Leads & List Assignments
How Lead Lists are Assigned for Users Approved on Campaigns
How Lead Lists are Assigned for Users Approved on Campaigns

This article describes how lead lists are assigned to users approved for campaigns

Glen Coco avatar
Written by Glen Coco
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Please note: this article only applies for users who've been approved for campaigns, since you can't access leads for campaigns until you've completed a training module for a campaign, submitted an audition, and been approved for a campaign. If you'd like a refresher on how that process works, you can go to our Everything About Campaigns collection and review the topics there.

Here's a quick link to a video overview of list assignments:

with further text explanation below!

General Pool of Leads

Each campaign has a general pool of leads, which are rows of prospect data uploaded into the campaign. The goal of any campaign is to convert as many of the leads into qualified meetings as possible.

Each lead has the following type of useful data:

  • Contact Name (always)

  • Contact Email (always)

  • Contact Title (always)

  • Contact Business Phone (at minimum either one business phone or mobile phone number)

  • Contact Mobile Phone (at minimum either one business phone or mobile phone number)

  • Contact Linkedin URL (sometimes)

  • Contact's Time Zone (based on phone number area code)

  • Business Name (always)

  • Business Website (mostly)

  • Business Headcount (mostly)

  • Business Revenue (sometimes)

  • Business Industry (mostly)

  • Business Location (mostly)

  • Custom Context (sometimes, e.g. "this prospect last visited the campaign company website on...")

Some campaigns may have 500 leads in the campaign. Some campaigns may have 100,000 leads in the campaign. Some campaigns may have 3,000 available leads in the campaign.

These leads are sourced from various datasources, including, but not limited to: Zoominfo, Apollo, Cognism, PeopleDataLabs, and other proprietary databases.

When a campaign is active, we're constantly monitoring the data quality of the pool of leads to provide the best shot for approved users to convert leads.

To access leads from this General Pool of Leads, from your leads tab, click the white "Start Calling" button on the top left of your dashboard. A popup will appear where you can select "General dialer", select the campaign you're interested in working on, and click "Start Calling".

However, generally speaking, unless there are campaigns with either a really high quantity of leads or nobody is active on the campaign, you may find that there are no leads available in the general dialer. This is because from this general pool of leads, we use an algorithm to automatically assign approved users leads...

Algorithmic Lead List Assignment

Given that there can sometimes be multiple users on a campaign and we don't want two people reaching out to the same prospect at once, we use an algorithm to assign leads into your lead lists.

These are your leads and only your leads to work while you're active on a campaign and these leads are assigned to you.

Our algorithm also keeps track of how you disposition leads after conversations or emails with prospects, so that disqualified leads or leads who requested not to be contacted are automatically removed from your list. Therefore, the better you disposition your leads, the better we're able to do removing low quality leads from your lists.

You can learn more about how to disposition and action leads in the Use our AI Dialer, Email Automation, and Calendar Scheduling collection, but for now let's keep going.

We keep track of the latest lead dispositions and have a concept of a "cooldown period", where if a lead has been called, we have a 4 hour cooldown period until that lead is eligible to be called again. This way, prospects don't get upset by someone aggressively calling them every few hours. If a lead is in a cooldown period, they're not eligible to be called. We recommend making use of the AI emailing functionality built into our platform to touch and prospect leads in addition to just calls to ensure you're properly prospecting into the leads.

When new leads are added to the campaign, we also distribute this to active callers on campaigns.

Accessing your Assigned Exclusive Lead List

To access exclusive lists you've been algorithmically assigned, you can click the dropdown menu under "List Activities" on the left of the Leads tab. There, you'll see three columns:

  1. In the first column, you'll see all the lead lists you've been algorithmically assigned

  2. In the second column, you'll see some standard Fixed Lists, which include useful groupings like:

    1. Missed Calls

    2. No Shows & Cancels

    3. Nurture

    4. Booked Meetings

    5. Feedback Received

    6. Email Responses

  3. In the third column, you'll see Custom Lists, which are lists you can create and add or move leads to to stay organized.

How the Algorithm to Determine How Many Leads to Assign You Works

We assign more leads to top, active callers on any given campaign by assigning them more leads to work and convert into qualified meetings, and assign less leads to inactive callers since those are leads that active callers could be working to convert into earnings.

The factors that go into the algorithm are:

  • how much time are you spending on a campaign relative to other users on a campaign over a lookback time period?

  • how recently have you been active on a campaign?

  • how active are you on other campaigns?

  • how many total leads do you have across all campaigns you've been approved for?

  • what is your conversation to booked meeting ratio?

  • what is your calls to conversation ratio?

  • what is your qualified meeting rate (your hold rate)?

  • how many total leads are available in the campaign?

  • how many historical qualified meetings have you booked on a campaign?

(For a refresher on what these metrics mean, you can always revisit our Concepts & Terminology doc.

We assign the most leads in descending order after stack ranking reps and prioritize assigning more to reps who have been active on the campaign in the last 3 business days, with a steeper dropoff if you haven't been active on the campaign beyond that. The chart above gives a visual illustration of the algorithm in practice.

All of this is to say that if you spend a solid amount of time on a campaign and are able to convert conversations into meetings, you'll be able to find more success on a campaign, while if you're just "phoning it in" and not really going anywhere with your pitch and conversations, you'll need to convert leads into meetings to get assigned more leads.

Therefore, it's important that you make full use of the training materials and your sales skills to put up results on campaigns.

What to Do If You've Been Inactive For a Few Days and You'd like to Get Some Leads Assigned to You

We have a self-help option to self-assign yourself more leads for a campaign. Here's how it works:

  1. Open your intercom chat support tool and click "Chat with us"

    2. Select "Explore Campaigns or get live help for a campaign"

    3. Select "My approved campaigns"

    4. Choose the campaign you'd like more leads for

    5. Choose the "I need more leads" option

    6. Confirm the campaign and click "Proceed".

This algorithm will then go through each of the reps who've been assigned list leads that haven't been active on a campaign for the past 5 business days, stack rank them by performance, and take 80% of their leads and re-assign them to you until you've been topped up to 200 new leads.

If the campaign is very crowded and most of the leads have already been assigned out and most of the leads are actively being worked, you may not get a top-up. In this case, you may want to work on other campaigns you've been approved for which are less crowded.

Frequently Asked Questions or Issues Related to Lead List Assignments

I just got approved for a campaign and I'm not seeing any leads assigned. How can I get some leads to call?

Answer: we always reserve some number of leads in the "Shared Pool" of leads for each campaign. To access this, you can

  1. Click the white "Start Calling" button in the top left

  2. Select "General Dialer"

  3. Choose the campaign you want leads for

  4. Start calling through those leads. As you start working through the shared pool and detects that you're active, our algorithm will assign you more exclusive lists, which you'll be able to access in your list dialer

I ran out of leads to call in my assigned list. How can I get some leads to call?


There are two ways you can get more leads if you had leads to call in your assigned list:

First, we always reserve some number of leads in the "Shared Pool" of leads for each campaign. To access this, you can

  1. Click the white "Start Calling" button in the top left

  2. Select "General Dialer"

  3. Choose the campaign you want leads for

  4. Start calling through those leads. As you start working through the shared pool and detects that you're active, our algorithm will assign you more exclusive lists, which you'll be able to access in your list dialer

Second, you can go through our chat options and choose the specific campaign you've been approved to call for and chat with us so that we can assign you more leads.

I'd like to hold onto my leads a little bit longer because I've been busy. How can I do this?

Answer: We have a list assignment algorithm is that we assign leads to users who are active on campaigns and converting leads into meetings at a reasonable rate and not burning through leads. While we can't guarantee that we can reserve your leads if you haven't been active on a campaign, once you're ready to actively make calls, you can always be assigned a fresh set of leads, as long as the available leads haven't been all assigned away in the time since you were active and when you'd like to rejoin the campaign.

I'd like to reserve my leads a little bit longer because I've been busy. How can I do this?

Answer: We have a list assignment algorithm is that we assign leads to users who are active on campaigns and converting leads into meetings at a reasonable rate and not burning through leads. While we can't guarantee that we can reserve your leads if you haven't been active on a campaign, once you're ready to actively make calls, you can always be assigned a fresh set of leads, as long as the available leads haven't been all assigned away in the time since you were active and when you'd like to rejoin the campaign.

Do all the leads I've actually worked/have callbacks with/are in my nurture list get taken away if I haven't been active on a campaign?

Answer: We reserve all leads you've actively saved/are in your nurture lists until we've seen that there have been 3 weeks of inactivity on the campaign by you. So if you're still active and working on the campaign periodically, this counter resets. If there is no activity for 3 weeks, we can and do reassign even nurture leads.

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