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Rules of Engagement

This article describes the Rules of Engagement for individual users spending time on our platform on campaigns.

Glen Coco avatar
Written by Glen Coco
Updated over 2 months ago

The purpose of this document is to provide clear guidelines to users when engaging in campaigns on our marketplace and lay out a transparent, fair process for all parties involved. This document is separate from our Community Guidelines, which is an equally important article to read and focuses more on general conduct, as opposed to campaign specific rules.

If followed, the Rules of Engagement will allow all parties involved in campaigns to be successful and generate desired commercial outcomes in both the short and long run.

Overstepping these boundaries may result in respectfully communicated feedback, banned accounts, or other restrictions.

Flexible, At-Will Employment

You work and set your own hours. You can leave and come back at any time.

  • Context: While companies may limit prospecting hours to business weekday hours only, or weekends as well, you should feel 100% in control of the hours you work. Neither Glencoco nor companies on our platform should be telling you to put in a minimum number of dials or hours, and if anything otherwise is communicated to you, please alert the Glencoco team. While we may run promotions and bonus incentives, it's up to you to choose to participate or not. While we may provide data-driven guidelines and recommendations if asked about ramp time and commitment required for success, it's up to you to set your own hours.

The 2-Business Day Rule*

If a company fails to provide meeting feedback more than 2 Business Days after the original meeting scheduled date, we invoice customers and pay you... with a caveat

  • Context: To speed up payout cycles, protect your time, and hold companies accountable for providing timely meeting feedback, we've contractually implemented rules where companies must provide meeting feedback at most 2 business days hours after the original meeting scheduled date, or be invoiced for the meeting regardless. However, this update to our terms of service with companies was implemented on August 1, 2023, with legacy campaigns being grandfathered in from previous agreements. Please check with our team to verify which campaigns are running with this new 2 business day rule.

Sourcing and Submitting Your Own Qualified Leads

You can and are encouraged to self-source your own leads for campaigns, but you need to check first by submitting the lead against company suppression lists within our platform.

  • Context: Companies are generally happy to pay for leads that satisfy their qualification criteria, even if self-sourced outside of the leads provided in campaigns, but to avoid issues caused by accidentally prospecting into existing customers, live opportunities/deals, and closed lost deals, they provide a suppression list. For security and privacy purposes, we don't disclose the list in full to you, but if you try to upload a self-sourced lead, you'll get a eligible/ineligible status update based on the email domain of the lead uploaded.

Leads self-sourced by you will not be eligible for other users to prospect for a 90 day period, unless that lead was already being worked before you self-sourced the lead into the platform.

  • Context: We understand that self-sourcing your own leads can be costly both in money and time, and so we protect this effort with this policy.

Leads You've Worked/are in your Nurture Lists

Leads that you've saved as callbacks and nurtures are saved and reserved for you as long as there's consistent activity on those leads. If there's no activity on your saved callbacks and nurtures for 3 weeks, those leads may be redistributed to others to work. Leads that are in your lists but haven't been saved as callbacks or nurtures, such as cold leads, can be redistributed if you're not actually making calls or sending emails and prospecting into them.

For more information about about how list assignments and the rules around that work, be sure to check out this list assignment doc:

Attribution/Credit for Leads Booked Outside of Our Platform Calendar Scheduling Flow

We strongly discourage booking meetings for leads using calendar scheduling outside of our platform with companies... but will honor and track exceptional edge cases

  • Context: If there are technical issues that prevent you from booking meetings through our platform and it's a time sensitive booking, or you have a paper trail of evidence that a prospect signed up for a demo with a company through their website after your efforts, we will do our best to review and honor attribution for credit in these circumstances. However, to minimize the overhead this requires, it's strongly discouraged that you book meetings for leads through calendar scheduling means outside of our platform.

⏭️ Current Collection: Rules of Engagement & Disputes

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